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We're a group of Spanish teachers. We want everyone to know the conditions imposed on our work. This is a bilingual blog. Each post has a version in English and Spanish // Somos un grupo de profesores de español que queremos contarles a todos cómo son las condiciones que nos imponen para poder desarrollar nuestro trabajo.
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Cada alumno paga este precio para cursos grupales de hasta 6 u 8 personas .
Muchas escuelas prefieren formar grupos de alumnos con niveles muy desparejos para obtener mayor rentabilidad. En el caso de que el aula esté llena, algunas escuelas pagan al profesor a cargo del curso numeroso apróximadamente 1 dólar más por hora.
La hora privada, mientras tanto, cuesta en general USD 20. El profesor sigue cobrado USD 3.
Have you ever wondered how much is your Spanish teacher being paid? Or how are her or his work conditions like?
In Argentina, there aren’t any regulations on Spanish teaching. That is to say, anyone can open up a language school even if they don’t have any Spanish knowledge or teaching experience. And there are also many teachers who are not actual Spanish teachers but just courageous people who decide to teach.
On the other hand, there are many of us that have that have specialized in Spanish teaching and hold a college degree. The government nor the Department of Education regulate Spanish teaching and there aren’t any plans to do so.
There is no State nor Department of Education. There is not any plan for this activity.
But let’s go step by step.
Here are some numbers:
Most schools are charging students between USD100 and USD190 for 20 weekly hours (4 hours each day). Here we have some examples that illustrate how what you pays connects with what the teachers are being paid.
School: Ecela
The pupil pays: USD 190 Per hour = USD 9.5
The teacher is paid: USD 2.81
School: Spanish Via
The pupil pays: USD 150 Per hour = USD 7.50
The teacher is paid: USD 3.12
School: Casa de Español
The pupil pays: USD 155 Per hour = USD 7.75
The teacher is paid: USD 3.12
School: IBL
The pupil pays:USD 135 Per hour = USD 6.75
The teacher is paid: USD 4.68
School: COINED
The pupil pays:USD 140 Per hour = USD 7
The teacher is paid: USD 5
Many schools prefer to create groups of pupils with very different levels. This is to get more profitability. If the classroom is filled up with students, the teacher is paid 1 extra dollar per hour.
Private classes cost USD 20. The teacher still receive USD 3.
You can help us create a fair system. When you pay at your school, please ask how much is your teacher is being paid and demand a fair payment for him or her.
You can also ask what kind of preparation has your teacher have to teach you and if the school can prove it.
At this moment the number of monotributistas in Argentina is growing a lot: companies does not want to make contracts “en blanco” (literally “in white”, which means a work contract that give you contributions for retirement pension, medical insurance but also holidays, days off for studying and sick days). They do not want to make contracts because it’s “too expensive” for them.
To be a Spanish teacher monotributista means that:
1- We do not have holidays
2- We do not have days off for studying or if you are sick
3- We are not paid per year worked for a company
4- If we can’t go to work just for one day, we are not paid.
To make matters worse, schools do not have any kind of commitment towards teachers. Schools can withhold work from a teacher, that is, refuse to assign him or her teaching hours, no questions asked.
Why is this happening?
Because there is no legal framework for Spanish teachers. If it was to be created it should be named “idiomatic tourism”. But it does not exist. If schools would like to give us a contract they should do it under another legal status.
You choose: black or white?
Many schools are starting to give us contracts “en blanco”. This is the option: if you are monotribustista you are paid $ 15 per hour. If you want a contract, you are paid $ 12.
IBL is offering ARG $ 1100 (a month) for 4 hours and a half of teaching.
There are different degrees that allow you to be a Spanish teacher:
You can also study this carreer at other universities, like Universidad de La Plata or Lomas de Zamora, for example.
3- There are also many specialization courses: the Language Lab at the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires has a 2 year program on Spanish as a foreign language teaching.
Also, the Asociación Argentina de Docentes de Español gives short courses on the same topic. Other universities specialization programs as well.